"Argonauta is dedicated to helping individuals and companies achieve positive transformation"
Mindful Leadership
The 9 Ways to Self-Awareness, Transforming Yourself
and Inspiring Others

Effective leaders are self aware and empower those they influence to achieve their potential. Mindful Leadership is a guide to leadership that starts with the self—for business people, members of the public service, professionals, and anyone else in a position to influence others.  Essentially, it is of value to anyone who aspires to make a difference.

Maria Gonzalez shows you how to use a single tool—Mindfulness meditation—to achieve clarity, focus, and self-awareness, enabling you to
transform yourself and achieve positive results by inspiring those you lead.

Mindfulness is a process of training the mind that anyone can follow, and Mindful Leadership provides simple techniques you can use anytime,
anywhere, to improve yourself as a leader. Beginning with the simple act of being fully present, mindfulness opens up the 9 ways to become more effective in every aspect of life.


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Praise for
Mindful Leadership
Whether I was running a mulit-billion dollar company or a start-up, I thought I was doing everyone a favour by multi-tasking. I actually believed I was one of the few that could do it well. Maria's insight and approach has made me realize that I was a distracted and inefficient leader and created stress for both myself and those I led. This book is a must read for anyone in a position of leadership or a position to impact others in small organizations or large.
Alek Krstajic
CEO of Public Mobile
(and former President of Bell Mobility)